You may be facing an unplanned pregnancy and feel abortion is your only option. Here are some things to consider before making that appointment. 1.) Are you really pregnant? Because pregnancy symptoms can be similar to other causes, it may be difficult to tell if you are pregnant based only on your symptoms. Crossroads offers
Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go for an Abortion
What are the Types of Abortion: Surgical or Nonsurgical
For a woman, realizing she is pregnant can be life-altering, especially if it’s an unplanned pregnancy. It is important for her to gather information to make the best decision. Here we are going to share the two kinds of abortion. NON-SURGICAL: Hand holding a pillHand holding a pill Non-surgical abortions, also called medical abortions, are
One Woman’s Difficult Decision Blesses a Family
Did you realize there are two million infertile couples in the United States at any given point in time? Maybe you or someone you know has struggled to conceive. While there can be many reasons causing the infertility, couples who are unable to conceive or carry a baby to delivery, face many challenges. At the
A Deeper Dive at Chemical Abortion
Chemical abortions are being promoted as a “quick and easy” way to end an unplanned pregnancy. But, is it really “quick and easy?” Click the link to listen to Tammy and Elizabeth’s stories with the abortion pill and hear how they would describe their experiences as traumatic and heartbreaking.
Am I Pregnant?
Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy? You probably have lots of questions. We offer free pregnancy testing and free ultrasounds to confirm your pregnancy and help you discover how far along you are. We also offer options counseling if you’re struggling with your pregnancy decision. Early Pregnancy Symptoms Check-list Is your period more than
Abortion is More Accessible Than Ever… But the Risks are Real
Please be informed before deciding how to manage an unplanned pregnancy. Over the last decade, the face of abortion accessibility has been changing. Two new emergency birth control pills have emerged. Plan B, around since 2006, has been termed the “Morning After Pill.” This pill can be taken within 3 days of unprotected sex and
Do you or someone else you know need a little help? Are they pregnant or have a young child? We have a great program here at Crossroads called Earn While You Learn. A woman can come twice a month, watch videos and learn about childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting. After meeting with one of our advocates,
Summertime Family Fun
Hey Adults! Are you struggling with some brain fog and having difficulty coming up with some creative summer ideas for kids? Even though different local activities are beginning to open up, we wanted to help take some of the guesswork out of making this a memorable summer for you and your kids. We’ve created 3
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
May is teen pregnancy prevention month. While there has been a slight decline over the last several years, in 2017, nearly 200,000 babies were born to teen women. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate amongst westernized nations. Here at Crossroads, we are privileged to come alongside families as they face an unplanned
STD’s Unplugged
Here at Crossroads Pregnancy Care, we are concerned with meeting the needs of the whole person- body, soul, and spirit. Reproductive health is an important part of our program. Because of that, we’ve recently added STD testing to our available services. With the dramatic rise in cases nationwide amongst 15-24-year-olds, we felt the need to
Because you can leave feeling hopeful.-Anonymous
So much love and support.-Danielle
I felt very welcomed and not judged at all.-Heather
Helps to clear your mind and get a better understanding of things.-Jessica
Very helpful and nice. Nurses made me comfortable in a situation I was dreading.-Whitney
I feel I was provided with information that put my mind at ease.-Tara
Everyone was very helpful and provided vital information.-Emily
I’m so glad I came because now I know that I have choices.-Anonymous
Super helpful, full of knowledge, great environment, and great people.-Anonymous