We’re here to Help.
Our pregnancy services are here to offer you the clarity and peace of mind you need to take your next step. Feel better informed about your pregnancy so you can determine what your options are.
Pregnancy Testing
Get a pregnancy test to be sure about your pregnancy. Even though home pregnancy tests can be accurate, there is always a chance for inaccurate results. It’s essential to follow-up with a lab-quality, urine pregnancy test at our center. Take one at no-cost to know your results right away.
Limited Ultrasounds
Do I need an ultrasound? Yes — every pregnant woman does! Pregnancy tests can also give invalid results, and false positives can still happen. Home tests can produce incorrect results for other reasons as well. An ultrasound is the only method that can 100% confirm your pregnancy and determine how far along you are.
Options Consultation
At your options consultation we offer free pregnancy testing and if your test is positive, we can schedule a limited obstetrical ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and it’s viability. During your appointment, we can also answer any questions and concerns you have about pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and parenting options. Receive the care you need in a compassionate, pressure-free, and professional environment.​
STD Testing/Treatment
​Many people think that contracting an STD/STI could never happen to them. If you are sexually active with others who have had other sexual partners, you are at risk for STDs and STIs. It’s more common than you may think. Get free and confidential testing and treatment today.
Abortion Recovery
Having an abortion can cause emotional and psychological scars. It’s important to seek professional assistance on the best path forward for you and how you can recover from this specific type of trauma. At Crossroads Women’s Center, we offer group facilitators or individual counselors who have personally experienced abortion and have been deeply affected by this choice.
Parenting Classes
If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and you’re considering parenting, you probably have tons of questions about birth, baby care, parenting, and pregnancy. Whether you’re single, married, or plan on co-parenting, we are here for you to help you navigate an unplanned pregnancy and beyond.