Creating a loving and lasting relationship takes hard work from both partners. Research shows the divorce rate to be 37%- that means there are 63% of marriages that actually last a lifetime (CDC, 2020). In fact, when asked, “93 percent said they would marry their spouse all over again” (Feldhahn, 2014). With all the challenges couples face, how do they last a lifetime together? What do they do to be successful as a couple? Over the next month, our blog will provide you with resources, testimonies, and opportunities to help you evaluate your relationship.
First, we want you to consider the relationship you are currently in. Are you in a relationship where you choose to love and support your partner, give them room to grow, and encourage them through difficult situations? Do you treat them with kindness, respect, and patience? Is honesty a core value? Do they treat you the same way? Or, do you feel like if you love the other person “enough”, things will change for the better? Are there secrets in your relationship? Do you feel like you need to change in order to be loved and accepted by them? Is resolving a conflict something you avoid because it just leads to more conflict and anguish?
Take the quiz below about relationships to help you start thinking more critically about your relationship.
-CDC. (2020). Marriage and Divorce. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
-Feldhahn, S. (2014). The Good News About Marriage: Debunking Discouraging Myths about Marriage and Divorce. Colorado Springs: Multnomah.
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