Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Legally, if you have an unexpected pregnancy and you are seriously considering an abortion, you are not required to tell your partner.

However, relationally, it is best to share the news and, ideally, make the decision together, but that is only sometimes possible.

Keep reading to get practical ways to navigate this decision and, hopefully, have a constructive conversation with your partner.

Evaluate Your Relationship Dynamic

Does your partner know that you’re pregnant? If so, that puts added pressure on the situation. If he does, try to remember his response. Was he supportive? Did he demonstrate that he wants to be involved in the process?

If he already knows and is invested in the pregnancy, you will want to take a collaborative approach, research your options, and try to reach a mutual agreement.

If he doesn’t know that you’re currently pregnant, evaluate his behavioral patterns in the past and try to discern if that is affecting your decision to terminate the pregnancy. Has he shown any signs of abuse in the past? Would he stress about how a baby would strain finances?

If possible, find a way to share the pregnancy news with him. After all, he helped to create the baby, so he will likely have an opinion on the outcome. Only share the news if you feel safe to do so.

Schedule an Options Consultation

Open communication and compromise are part of a healthy relationship. Allowing him to do his research and discuss it together can help him feel like he is part of the process.

At CrossRoads Women’s Center, we offer options consultation as well as free, limited ultrasounds) where you can gather information and explore all your options in a compassionate, judgment-free environment.

If you are both willing, attend an options consultation together so that you can make an informed decision. If you take advantage of our free, limited ultrasound, you’ll also get crucial information like how far along you are, which can affect your procedural options.

For example, the abortion pill is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestational age.

Take the first step. Contact us today!